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Environmental Policy

RP Lasertech recognizes that effective management of environmental impacts is a fundamental part of our business. We shall strive to integrate sound environmental practices across the company’s management and governance systems to minimize environmental impacts and attain a leadership position in environmental stewardship.


We recognize that the basic responsibility of people living today is to hand over the precious global environment to the next generation in a sound condition. Thus, with the use of efficient manufacturing technology, we help in minimizing our impact on the environment through pollution prevention, minimizing the natural resources consumption and emissions, and the reduction and recycling of waste. Below are some of our major commitments towards the environment we aim to fulfil.

RP Lasertech shall endeavour to:

  • Minimize the impact of our business operations on the environment, prevent any type of pollution, and protect natural resources.
  • Progressively develop, implement and maintain an internationally accepted environmental management system in our operations and new projects
  • Enhance environmental awareness through participation and consultation with employees and contractors by training and effective channels of communication
  • Maintain full compliance with applicable environmental laws, regulations and other obligations.
  • Continually improve the environmental performance of current and future products, services and infrastructure of the company.

This policy will be reviewed annually for its suitability and updated as necessary.

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